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Can Dogs Eat Bananas? Everything You Need To Know

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Whether topping your morning granola, blitzed in a delicious smoothie, or just a yummy afternoon snack, it’s easy to understand why bananas are the most popular fruit worldwide. While bananas seem to be every fruit bowl’s best friend, when it comes to our canine companions’ dietary needs, bananas require closer inspection. Can our furry friends indulge in this fruit? Can dogs eat bananas? 

Can Dogs Eat Bananas? 

Yes, dogs can eat bananas. Bananas are a non-toxic fruit, making it a safe and nutritious food choice to share with your dog. However, bananas are high in natural sugars so they should only be offered as an occasional treat in appropriate portions to avoid causing digestive upset. 

Although bananas are safe for dogs to eat, as with any food, we need all the facts so we can make an informed decision about what is best for our furry friends. Let’s explore the nutritional benefits of bananas, potential drawbacks, and different ways to serve this fruit, so you can decide whether bananas will be a new addition to your dog’s diet. 

Are Bananas Good For Dogs? 

Yes, bananas are good for dogs. Bananas are a great source of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium. They’re also low in fat and a rich source of dietary fibre helping to aid digestion, making bananas a great addition to your dog’s diet. 

Let’s take a closer look at some of the key nutrients and health benefits of this delicious fruit, so you can see all the potential advantages of adding bananas to your dog’s treat rotation:  

  • Fibre: Bananas are a great source of dietary fibre for your dog. Fibre can help promote a healthy digestive system and regulate bowel movements. It can also benefit overweight pets, helping them to feel full while they’re shedding the extra pounds. 
  • Vitamins: Packed with vitamin B6 and vitamin C. Vitamin B6 is responsible for immune system and nervous system functions, glucose regulation, and red blood cell creation. While vitamin C is an antioxidant that supports the immune system and promotes collagen synthesis. 
  • Potassium: Bananas are little potassium powerhouses. Potassium is a key electrolyte for dogs, working in sync with sodium to regulate and maintain fluid balance and blood volume. It also plays a key role in muscle contractions and nerve signals. 
  • Low in Fat: Bananas are a naturally low-fat fruit, making them a healthy and nutritious treat option for dogs, especially those that are on a low-fat diet. 

While bananas offer many health benefits, it’s vital to be aware of their sugar content. As with any treat, moderation is key. Eating too much can lead to an excess intake of sugar, potentially causing gastrointestinal discomfort. And eating too much sugar too often can lead to weight gain and other health issues, such as diabetes. So, when treating your furry friend to the delightful fruit remember to be mindful about the portion size. 

Can Puppies Eat Bananas? 

Yes, puppies can eat bananas, however, as puppies have sensitive digestive systems there are a few considerations to keep in mind. Bananas are high in natural sugars, so it’s key to introduce this fruit to puppies slowly and keep portion sizes small to avoid causing any potential digestive upset.  

Always begin by offering small pieces of a new treat and observe your pup’s response to monitor for any signs of an adverse reaction, such as diarrhoea or vomiting. If no signs of sensitives occur, you can continue to offer bananas as an occasional treat. 

Remember, treats should only be offered in moderation and not as a replacement for their main food. If you have any concerns about feeding bananas to your dog, speak to your veterinarian about your puppy’s specific dietary needs and any possible food sensitivities. 

Can Dogs Eat Banana Skin? 

While technically edible, it’s not recommended that dogs eat banana skin. The tough and fibrous nature of banana peels can be difficult for dogs to properly digest and can lead to gastrointestinal discomfort and even intestinal blockages, potentially requiring veterinary assistance. 

Ensure the well-being of your furry friend and err on the side of caution. Stick to the delicious and nutritious banana flesh and avoid feeding peel to your pup. Be sure to dispose of the banana peel, keeping it out of their reach. 

Can Dogs Eat Dried Bananas? 

While dogs can eat dried bananas, it’s not recommended. Gram for gram, dried bananas are higher in sugar and calories than fresh. Additionally, many store-bought brands contain added sugars and preservatives, such as sulfites, which are very harmful to canine health. 

If you choose to offer your dog dried bananas, consider making them at home. Homemade dried bananas allow you to skip the harmful additives and offer a healthier version of this snack to your furry friend. 

can dogs eat bananas

How Much Banana Can Dogs Have? 

Bananas are a delicious and nutritious treat, but too much of a good thing can lead to weight gain, so moderation is key. The appropriate amount of banana to offer your dog depends on several factors, including their age, size, activity level, and overall health. When offering snacks to your dog it’s advised that you stick to the 10% rule, which recommends that treats make up no more than 10% of your dog’s daily calories.  

The guide below can help determine the right amount of banana for your dog based on your canine companion’s size. Peel the banana and cut it into slices about ¼ inch thick, these slices can then be cut into smaller pieces to suit the size of your dog.  

  • Toy Breeds (e.g., Chihuahua, Maltese): 1 slice, cut into quarters or smaller bite-sized pieces.  
  • Small Breeds (e.g., Jack Russell Terrier, Basenji): 1-2 slices, cut into quarters or smaller bite-sized pieces. 
  • Medium Breeds (e.g., Samoyed, Border Collie): 2-3 slices, cut in half or smaller bite-sized pieces. 
  • Large Breeds (e.g., Rhodesian Ridgeback, Alaskan Malamute): 3-4 slices, cut in half if desired. 
  • Giant Breeds (e.g., Great Pyrenees, Newfoundland): 4-5 slices, cut in half if desired. 

Remember, these portion sizes should only be used as a guide. Each dog is unique, and what is considered the right portion size for one may be too much for another. Always consider your dog’s individual health and dietary needs and consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns.  

How to Feed Bananas to Your Dog 

Feeding bananas to your dog can be a delightful experience, and there are various ways to serve this tasty treat to keep their tail wagging with excitement. Here are some fun and safe ways to incorporate bananas into your furry friend’s diet: 

  • Fresh: Keep it simple and serve banana to your dog fresh. Peel and slice a ripe banana into small, bite-sized pieces for your dog. Your dog will love the sweet and creamy texture. 
  • Frozen: For a refreshing twist, freeze banana slices and offer them as a cool treat on hot days. Your pup will appreciate this icy delight, especially during warmer months. 
  • Mashed: Mashing a ripe banana and mixing it with your dog’s main meal is a fantastic way to add some extra nutrients and flavour to their food. This is a great option for dogs that prefer soft treats or those with dental issues.  
  • Kong Filler: Stuffing a Kong with mashed bananas (and maybe a smear of peanut butter) can provide a tasty treat and a mentally stimulating challenge. It’s a perfect activity for keeping your dog entertained when you’re out. Top Tip: Put the filled Kong in the freezer for a longer-lasting treat experience. 
  • Lickimat Spread: Spread pureed bananas on a Lickimat for a fun and interactive treat. Much like Kongs, Lickimats provide mental stimulation and can be a calming activity for those that suffer from separation anxiety. 
  • Ingredient in Homemade Treats: Bananas are a useful ingredient in homemade dog treats. Why not try whipping up some dog-friendly banana ice cream, making a delicious cooling treat for your canine companion.

Feeding bananas to your dog in new creative ways is an excellent opportunity to introduce them to new textures and find out what they enjoy most. But remember to offer bananas in moderation, and take into account your dog’s size, age, and activity level.  

Final Thoughts

Bananas can be a fantastic and nutritious addition to your dog’s diet, boasting an array of health benefits, including essential vitamins, minerals, and fibre, supporting your furry friend’s overall well-being. However, when sharing this tasty treat with your dog remember to be mindful of portion sizes. Adjust the amount of banana based on your dog’s size and dietary needs, sticking to the 10% rule. Moderation is key. 

Remember to avoid feeding banana peel and store-bought dried bananas, as both can potentially cause digestive issues. Instead, get creative and experiment with various ways of serving bananas to keep your pup excited and entertained. Whether fresh, frozen, mashed, or as a stuffing in Kongs, the possibilities are endless!  

If you want more ideas for foods that you can share with your furry friend, check out our guide to Human Foods Dogs Can Eat, and discover which foods are doggy-safe and the ones your dog should avoid!  

Happy snacking friends!