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Bad To The Bone: Is Rawhide Bad For Dogs?

Is Rawhide Bad For Dogs

Rawhide chews have long been a popular choice amongst dog owners, keeping our furry friends entertained for hours on end. However, in recent years there has been a rise in concern about the safety of rawhide for dogs and its potential health risks. This has left many pet parents asking the question, is rawhide bad for dogs? 

Is Rawhide Bad For Dogs? 

Yes, rawhide is considered bad for dogs. Concerns associated with rawhide include risk of choking, intestinal blockages due to its poor digestibility, and contamination issues due to questionable production methods. Many vets and animal welfare associations have called for rawhide to be banned. 

While rawhide has been a go-to option for many years, concerns about its safety and the potential risks to canine health has left pet owners wondering what to do. So, let’s get the facts and find out why rawhide is a bad choice for dogs, and take a look at some doggy-safe rawhide alternatives. 

What Is Rawhide?

Rawhide refers to the inner layer of animal hides, typically from cattle, which are cleaned, dried, and processed to create durable chew toys for dogs. Rawhide can be made into chews of various shapes, sizes, and flavours, making them appealing to both dogs and their owners. 

Rawhide is a by-product of the leather industry which has significant environmental impacts, including water pollution, high energy consumption, waste production, greenhouse gas emissions, and concerns regarding animal welfare. While the rawhide used in chews for dogs is a by-product, a material that would otherwise be wasted, it still has roots in an industry that some pet parents may find problematic. 

Risks Of Rawhide For Dogs 

While rawhide chews have been popular among dog pet parents, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks for canine companions. Understanding these risks can help you make an informed decision about whether to offer rawhide to your furry friend.  

Choking & Intestinal Blockages 

The biggest risk of rawhide bones is that they pose a choking hazard. Dogs can potentially swallow large pieces of rawhide that can become lodged in their oesophagus or digestive tract. Depending on where the blockage is, it may require abdominal surgery to remove it. If left untreated, intestinal blockages can even cause death. 

Chemical and Contamination 

During its production, rawhide is often treated with various chemicals to preserve and enhance its appearance. These chemical treatments can include bleach, formaldehyde (which has been suggested to cause cancer in animals), and other potentially harmful substances that are toxic to dogs. There have been cases of rawhide product recalls due to contamination with bacteria, such as Salmonella or E. coli, which can pose health risks to both dogs and humans. 


Rawhide is not considered to be easily digestible. When rawhide is swallowed it doesn’t always break down in the same way food does, and the pieces can remain whole as they pass through the digestive system. These pieces can cause gastrointestinal upset, leading to discomfort, vomiting, or even serious health issues requiring surgical intervention. 

Mouth Injuries 

Another issue associated with rawhide chews is the potential for dogs to injury their mouths. Rawhide, especially poorly processed or low-quality varieties, can have sharp edges that can cause cuts, lacerations, or abrasions to a dog’s mouth, gums, tongue, or throat. These injuries can be painful and may result in discomfort, bleeding, inflammation, and more severe injuries that may require veterinary attention. 

Benefits Of Chews For Dogs 

Given the potential risks associated with rawhide many pet parents have stopped offering them to their dogs. While rawhide chews may not be the best choice for our furry friends, chewing is a natural behaviour for dogs and it’s good for them. Providing appropriate chews can offer several benefits beyond mere entertainment. Here are some of the advantages of chews for dogs: 

Dental Health

One of the significant benefits of chews is their positive impact on dental health. As dogs chew, the gnawing action helps remove plaque and tartar buildup from their teeth, promoting healthier gums and fresher breath. Chews that have a textured surface or are specifically designed to scrape away plaque can be particularly beneficial. By incorporating chews into your dog’s routine, it can contribute to their overall dental health and potentially reduce the risk of dental diseases, such as gingivitis and periodontal disease

Mental Stimulation and Stress Relief

Doggy chews offer an outlet for dogs’ natural instinct to chew. Chewing can provide mental stimulation and act as a stress reliever, especially for dogs prone to anxiety or those with excessive energy. The act of chewing releases endorphins in the brain, which can help dogs relax and feel more content. Chews that are long-lasting and require substantial effort to consume can redirect their focus and energy, providing a healthy outlet and preventing them from resorting to destructive chewing behaviours.  

Jaw Strength and Muscle Development

Chewing on appropriate and durable chews can help strengthen a dog’s jaw muscles. The resistance provided by certain chews requires dogs to use their jaws and apply pressure, which can lead to improved muscle tone and strength. This can be especially beneficial for senior dogs as it helps to maintain jaw strength. 

Alleviating Teething Discomfort

Puppies experience discomfort during the teething process as their baby teeth fall out and adult teeth come in. Chews specifically designed for teething can provide relief for sore gums and help satisfy their natural urge to chew. Teething chews are usually made from softer materials that are gentle on puppies’ delicate mouths and can be chilled in the refrigerator for added soothing effects. 

Bonding and Training

Chews can also serve as a bonding tool between dogs and their owners. Offering a chew to your dog creates a positive association and can be used as a reward after training sessions, reinforcing the bond between you and your canine companion. 

Providing appropriate chews for your dog offers many benefits, however, it’s essential to choose chews that are safe, durable, and suitable for your dog’s size, age, and chewing habits. While rawhide may not be the best choice of chew, there are plenty of alternatives to choose from. 

Rawhide Alternatives 

Given the potential risks associated with rawhide, many dog owners are now seeking alternative chew options that provide both entertainment and dental benefits. Here are some of our favourite rawhide alternatives for you to consider. 

Antler Chews

Antlers, shed from deer or elk, can offer a durable and safer chewing alternative to rawhide, and provide a long-lasting chewing experience. Antler chews help promote dental health by scraping away plaque and tartar buildup, reducing the risk of dental diseases. They are also rich in minerals, such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which contribute to healthy teeth and strong bones.  

Elk and deer antlers are naturally shed each year, making these chews a great sustainable choice for eco-conscious pet parents. Antler chews are sold in various sizes, so it’s easy to find a suitable-sized chew that is manageable for your dog.  

Dental Chews

Dental chews are specifically formulated to promote oral hygiene and clean your dog’s teeth and freshen their breath. The texture of dental chews helps to remove plaque and tartar buildup, reducing the risk of dental diseases such as gum. It also stimulates the gums and encourages saliva production, which naturally helps to wash away food particles and bacteria.

Additionally, many dental chews are made from natural ingredients that are highly digestible and contain active ingredients that help to reduce plaque and maintain oral health. Regular use of dental chews can contribute to improved dental health, fresher breath, and help keep your dog happy and entertained. 

Sweet Potato Chews

Sweet potatoes are a doggy-safe human food, rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and fibre. When sliced and dehydrated, sweet potatoes take on a tough and chewy texture, making a perfect doggy chew. Sweet potato chews are a great plant-based option for dogs, that not only fulfil their need to chew but also add nutritional value to their diet. Additionally, the firm texture of sweet potato chews acts as a natural toothbrush that can help improve dental health.

These chews are a great option for dogs with food sensitivities or allergies, as they are grain-free and hypoallergenic. Sweet potato chews are also low in fat and calories, making them suitable for dogs that are on a calorie-restricted diet. Additionally, dogs find the sweet and flavorful taste of sweet potato highly appealing, making these chews both delicious and entertaining.  

Coffee Wood Chews

Coffee wood chews are from the branches or trunks of coffee trees, these chews are durable, natural, sustainable and safe for dogs to chew on. Coffee wood chews are known for their longevity, providing hours of entertainment and satisfying a dog’s natural instincts to chew. Chewing on coffee wood can also help promote dental health by scraping away plaque and tartar buildup.  

Coffee wood chews are a great environmentally friendly choice, as they utilise a byproduct of the coffee industry that would otherwise be wasted. Additionally, these chews are hypoallergenic, making them suitable for dogs with allergies or sensitivities. Overall, coffee wood chews provide an engaging and eco-friendly option for dogs to enjoy. 

It’s important to note, that with any chew you offer your dog they should always be supervised to prevent choking, overconsumption, or any potential injury. If in doubt about which chews may be best for your dog consult with your veterinarian. Your vet can offer guidance on the best chews to suit your dog’s personal needs.

Final Thoughts

While rawhide chews were once a popular choice for our canine companions, the potential safety risks have caused many pet parents to rethink rawhide chews. Rawhide is difficult for dogs to digest and can pose a choking hazard, cause mouth injuries, and is a potential source of contamination for our pets. However, there are safer alternatives available, which provide similar benefits without the potential risk. 

Dental chews, antler chews, coffee wood chews, and sweet potato chews are among some of the alternative options. These safer rawhide alternatives can offer various advantages, including long-lasting durability, promote oral health, provide nutritional value, and are often eco-friendly and more sustainable than rawhide. These alternatives can address the specific concerns of pet parents while reducing potential risks. 

It’s essential to prioritise the safety and well-being of your furry friend. Be sure to regularly monitor your dog’s chewing habits, select chews that are appropriate for their size and chewing style, and always supervise chewing sessions. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the best options based on your dog’s individual needs. 

Remember, each dog is unique, and what works well for one may not work for another. By exploring safer rawhide alternatives, you can make choices that promote your dog’s overall health and still satisfy their natural instincts to chew.